dimanche 6 novembre 2011


Les trois portes ( sat, chit, ânanda )

" Le principe divisible est formé de trois constituantes inséparables, base de tout ce qui existe. Elles forment la substance du créateur et du créé. Ces trois constituantes sont appelées l'existence (sat), la conscience (chit) et la félicité (ânanda).
Du point de vue de l'existence (sat), pour tout être créé, qu'il s'agisse d'une étoile, d'un atome ou d'un être vivant, il existe deux instants cruciaux, appelés des << passages >> (dvâra), correspondant aux moments où la non-existence et l'existence se touchent, où le principe créateur est en contact direct avec l'être créé. Ces deux passages sont la naissance et la mort, à travers lesquels l'être vivant peut entrer en contact avec son créateur. C'est pourquoi le ventre de la mère et le bûcher funèbre sont des lieux magiques et sacrés. Les ascètes vénèrent les organes procréateurs et s'enduisent de la cendre des bûchers dans leurs tentatives de se rapprocher (sâmipya) de l'être divin.
La deuxième porte est celle de la conscience (chit). Par la voie de la connaissance, l'être humain s'efforce de comprendre la nature du monde, le secret de son origine. C'est la voie métaphysique du sâmkhya et de son corollaire le yoga dont le but est d'explorer l'univers intérieur de l'homme, image de l'Homme Universel (Purusha). C'est aussi la voie de l'ascétisme qui, en contrôlant et maîtrisant les impulsions et les énergies du corps, permet de multiplier la puissance mentale et d'ouvrir la porte du conscient vers la nature secrète du monde que les barrières des sens nous empêchent de percevoir.
La troisième porte est celle de la volupté (ânanda). C'est principalement dans les instants du plaisir sexuel que l'homme oublie ses préoccupations humaines, ses intérêts, ses vertus, pour retrouver cet état de bonheur , de jouissance, qui fait partie de la nature de l'être divin. C'est dans l'acte d'amour que nous sommes le plus simplement, le plus innocemment proches du divin et si nous savons en prendre conscience, percevoir directement la nature divine de la volupté, nous ouvrons là aussi un passage qui est le plus direct, le plus immédiat entre l'homme et Dieu. C'est pourquoi les mystiques s'expriment dans les termes de l'amour physique. Il ne s'agit pas de ce vague élan de bienveillance envers les créatures que l'on appelle amour, dans un sens dévalué, mais bien de l'expérience d'intense bonheur dans lequel notre être participe de la nature divine et, éventuellement, collabore au mystère de la création de la vie.
Les pratiques et les rites du tantrisme, qui sont ouvertes à tous sans restriction de caste, de sexe ou de nature, ont pour but de permettre à chacun, à travers les trois passages, de se rapprocher de l'être divin sur le plan de l'existence, de la conscience et de la volupté. Les pratiques du tantrisme sont multiples car il n'existe aucun aspect du créé, aucune forme d'action qui ne soit une image, un reflet, une expression de la nature de l'être divin. La substance du monde et celle du créateur sont une, et chaque aspect du multiple porte la marque de la triple nature du principe dont il est issu. "

Il ne s’agit pas de voir cet Sat-Chit-Ananda comme un état parfait à essayer d’obtenir, mais de se rendre compte au contraire qu’il s’agit de notre état profond naturel quand on ne le charge pas de nos « projets », de nos envies et de nos peurs.
Lorsqu’on ne fait l’expérience de Sat-Chit-Ananda, ne serait ce qu’une fois, on est marqué à jamais.. On sait que l’on est Cela. Cet état ne dure pas (aucun état ne dure, tous les états sont temporaires et destinés à évoluer), car il est rapidement recouvert de notre fonctionnement mental et le ‘moi’ se restructure très vite en conceptualisant Sat-Chit-Ananda, en donnant une définition de l’éveil, qui empêche en fait de sentir ce qui est toujours éveillé en nous.
Sat-Chit-Ananda résume ce que l’on entend par éveil: existence, conscience et félicité/amour. Les grandes spiritualités nous disent que nous sommes cela, que nous l’avons toujours été. Nous avons « déchu » de cet état de présence et de grâce, par le fait que notre mental et notre ego se sont développés. Il ne tient qu’à nous, par des pratiques et des prises de consciences, de réaliser ce que nous sommes vraiment: pure existence, pure conscience et pure félicité et amour sans objet.


Comment fonctionne l'ego ?

L'ego est le " moi, je ", ce sentiment d'exister comme un individu indépendant avec les relations qui dérivent de cette impression.

L'expérience d'ego est de vivre toute perception par rapport à cet objet observateur-sujet.
L'ego a une appétence fondamentale : un désir d'existence et de plaisir, qui se traduit en pulsions de possession, de rejet et d'indifférence. Ce fonctionnement se manifeste ainsi par des attitudes passionnelles d'attraction, de répulsion ou d'indifférence, développées face aux personnes, aux choses, ou aux situations auxquelles l'ego est confronté : " je " veux ce qui est bon, " je " ne veux pas ce qui est mauvais, " je " ne veut pas être exposé à ce qui m'est indifférent. Ces appétits de l'ego le font s'engager dans toutes sortes de lutte pour obtenir ce qui lui est agréable et éviter ce qui lui est désagréable.

Malheureusement et paradoxalement, au lieu d'aboutir à ses fins, sa lutte lui crée des désagréments, conditionnements et souffrances ! Ce fonctionnement de l'ego est notre conditionnement habituel dans lequel nous construisons notre propre souffrance.
Qu'est-ce que l'ego ?

Fondamentalement, l'ego n'est rien qu'une impression : ce sentiment que l'on a " d'être " et " d'avoir " un ego ne repose sur rien, c'est simplement une illusion. En effet, l'ego n'est pas " quelque chose " qui aurait une existence indépendante et autonome, c'est un processus dynamique qui, dans son fonctionnement, produit le sentiment d'individualité. C'est pourquoi l'ego est dit " vide d'existence propre " : cette impression n'existe que dans la combinaison des facteurs interdépendants qui la constituent.
Nature is Love <3

Voyage !

King of kings and lord of lords

“Only once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. You tell them things that you’ve never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. When something wonderful happens, you can’t wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in your excitement. They are not embarrassed to cry with you when you are hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. Never do they hurt your feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make you special and even beautiful. There is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. You can be yourself and not worry about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are. The things that seem insignificant to most people such as a note, song or walk become invaluable treasures kept safe in your heart to cherish forever. Memories of your childhood come back and are so clear and vivid it’s like being young again. Colours seem brighter and more brilliant. Laughter seems part of daily life where before it was infrequent or didn’t exist at all. A phone call or two during the day helps to get you through a long day’s work and always brings a smile to your face. In their presence, there’s no need for continuous conversation, but you find you’re quite content in just having them nearby. Things that never interested you before become fascinating because you know they are important to this person who is so special to you. You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.” 
― Bob Marley

mardi 1 novembre 2011

Osho gives his definition of a rebel:

Rebellion is not something that you have to do; it is an approach, an attitude. The attitude is that you will respect yourself as an individual and you will respect everybody else in the same way. Nobody is lower than you, nobody is higher than you, remember. It is very easy to accept the idea that nobody is higher than you. But that is not rebellion, that is jealousy. Communism is not rebellion, it is jealousy.
Rebellion is when you accept that nobody is higher than you, nobody is lower than you. In fact, the categories of lower and higher are inapplicable. Each individual is so unique that it is not possible to compare two persons. So how can you put somebody higher and somebody lower?—they are so different and so unique.
Communism is not rebellion. That's why I continuously try to make the distinction between the words revolution and rebellion….
Every revolution dies into another orthodoxy.
It has been always so.
That's why I am not for revolution:
I am for rebellion.
Rebellion is individual.
But when many rebels are there and they want to live together, respecting each other's individuality, each other's freedom, each other's uniqueness—that's the meaning of a commune. It is not a society. It is not an establishment. It is not an organization in the old sense.
A commune is a communion of individuals who have all rebelled against all kinds of stupidities, superstitions. That is their meeting point. But that does not mean that they create an alternative society, another establishment. Then it would only be revolution.
Try to understand the difference clearly. If they don't create any establishment, and start living intelligently together, howsoever difficult it is—it is going to be a little difficult; otherwise why have people chosen to make organizations and establishments?—because it is less difficult….
I am an anarchist.
I basically believe in the individual.
I don't believe in the society at all.
I don't believe in civilization, in culture. I simply believe in the individual.
I don't believe in the state, I don't believe in the government. I don't want any government in the world, any state in the world.
I simply want intelligent people to live harmoniously out of their intelligence. And if they cannot live out of intelligence, it is better to die than to become robots, to become machines, to be nagged and to be imprisoned in all kinds of slavery. It is better to be finished. We should live intelligently, and our order will come out of our intelligence, not vice versa.
That's what has been tried before; enforce order so that people can function intelligently. Now, that is absolutely stupid. Once you enforce order you destroy intelligence, you destroy even the possibility of it ever growing. There is no need….
Man has been a calamity, a curse to existence.
Rebellion means making man a blessing to existence, not a curse.
It is a risky step, but there is no gain without any risk. And this is such a tremendous change, almost a discontinuity with the past—not any modified form of the past society, just a totally fresh and new society.
There is no paradox. Here you have to be a rebel, but your rebellion does not mean that you have to go against something which is intelligent, intelligible. You rebel against any stupidity. Any idiocy that happens in the commune, you rebel against it. That is your responsibility, to be on guard that no stupidity, no superstition, starts getting its roots within you. Be alert.
But rebellion does not mean that you have to be unnecessarily destructive just to prove that you are a rebel; otherwise, somebody may think that you look very orthodox: two days have passed and you have not rebelled even once! Rebellion is not something that you have to do every day. It is not some kind of exercise, like going for a morning walk.
Rebellion is your attitude of looking at things, of watching things; what is happening in you and what is happening around you. No rust should be allowed to settle. Your sword of intelligence should remain shining, that's all. And everybody is keeping his own sword shining, nobody else is keeping your sword shining. Here, nobody is his brother's keeper.
You have to be on your own so orthodoxy cannot enter….
In my commune you have to remain rebels.
Of course you won't have enough chances to use your rebellion—that's the whole purpose of the commune. You have used your rebellion, your chance to rebel against the orthodoxy; now we will not give you any chances. And you should remain alert that no chances are given that you have to rebel against anything.
In a commune of rebels, every rebel is a guardian, a guard, of the rebellious spirit.
And remember, I am using the words rebellious spirit.
It is not a question of action. Action is needed only when something goes against the spirit.
So whenever anything in the commune goes against the rebellious spirit, destroy it, rebel against!
And you are not going against the commune:
You are saving the commune, the commune of the rebels.
You are saving the rebellious spirit. misery29

But rebellion has never been tried.
Revolution is a collective effort to overthrow the government.
Rebellion is individual.
It overthrows nobody; it simply dissolves the individual's hypocrisy.
The rebel drops his facade.
He is not against any regime, against any society. He is not bothered by all that nonsense. Those who are interested in that, let them do their work. The rebel is simply very self-oriented.
I have been condemned by many sources around the world because I teach people selfishness. Yes, I teach selfishness. It is not a condemnation, this is my whole philosophy. I teach you to be selfish because unselfishness has been taught for thousands of years and it has not helped anybody.
I teach you to be just self-oriented.
Drop all the rubbish that is in you.
Clean yourself and start living as if you are the first and the last man in the world. The first, so that you don't have to carry the burden of the past, because there is no past. And the last, so that you need not worry about the future, about what will happen to your children. They will take care of themselves.
You think of yourself and live intensely at the innermost core of your being.
That's what rebellion is:
Let things be as they are.
But you are not a thing, you are a being:
Change yourself, transform yourself
Become a new man.

You have said that if there are only two hundred enlightened people in the world a third world war is not possible. Can You explain what You mean, how these two hundred people would make a difference among the billions of unconscious people?
Certainly. They will make tremendous difference. When the whole room is dark, just a small candle makes so much difference. In such a big room a small candle, lighted…the whole darkness disappears.
An enlightened person is a tremendous light—very subtle but for miles around him many people's lives will be touched. And if two hundred people are enlightened, which has never happened in history….
Two hundred enlightened people can create just the opposite situation. If they are together in a certain arrangement, they can create life rays which will protect people from death rays, which even may help somebody who has died through a death ray to come alive again. But those two hundred enlightened people have to be in a certain communication. Then they can create a circle around the world.
My own idea is that we can create two hundred enlightened people amongst our sannyasins. They are already connected and they are not alone, they are supported by the commune. Their energy can be enhanced, multiplied, by other sannyasins who may not be enlightened but are in search of it, on the way.
I mean what I have said. And if we can make a net of life rays around the earth, it can prevent even nuclear weapons from being destructive. But that is a totally different science and never experimented upon. But a few glimpses have happened in the past, and there is no harm in experimenting with it. Anyway, there is no other hope.
Our communes have to be ready for it. And they should not think of trivia, of small fights, egos. They should understand their responsibility is so great as it has never been of any human being before. And I hope that we will be able to do something. There is still time, and my people are working hard. Now it is a question whether we can manage within the time or not.
But I have a certainty that we have almost created a Noah's Ark of consciousness for the coming flood of death to the whole of humanity.